9:15 - 10:45
Session 1 - OMNeT++ Simulation Engine (Chair: Andras Varga)
Simulating Wireless and Mobile Networks in OMNeT++ The MiXiM Vision - 30min
Andreas Köpke, Michael Swigulski, Karl Wessel, Daniel Willkomm, P.T. Klein Haneveld, Tom Parker, Otto Visser, Hermann Simon Lichte and Stefan Valentin
Introducing Probabilistic Radio Propagation Models in OMNeT++ Mobility Framework and Cross Validation Check with NS-2 - 20min
Andreas Kuntz, Felix Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Oliver Graute and Martina Zitterbart
SIMCAN: A SIMulator Framework for Computer Architectures and Networks - 20min
Alberto Núñez, Javier Fernandez, Jesus Carretero, Jose D. García and Laura Prada
A Powerful Tool-Chain for Setup, Distributed Processing, Analysis and Debugging of OMNeT++ Simulations - 20min
Thomas Dreibholz and Erwin Rathgeb
11:00 - 12:30
Session 2 - Routing and 3G (Chair: Anna Förster)
Simulation of 3G DCHs Supporting TCP Traffic: Design, Experiments and Insights on Parameter Tuning - 30min
Juan Alcaraz, Gaspar Pedreño, Fernando Cerdán and Joan García-Haro
A Simulation Model of DYMO for Ad Hoc Routing in OMNeT++ - 20min
Christoph Sommer, Isabel Dietrich and Falko Dressler
An OMNeT++ Model for the Evaluation of OBS Routing Strategies - 20min
A.L. Barradas and M.C.R. Medeiros
Integration of SCTP in the OMNeT++ Simulation Environment - 20min
Irene Rüngeler, Michael Tüxen and Erwin Rathgeb
14:00 - 15:04
Poster Session Kickoff (Chair: Christoph Sommer)
CsharpSimpleModule -- writing OmNet++ Modules with C# and Mono - 8min
Andreas Lagemann and Jörg Nolte
Implementation of MANET routing protocols on OMNET++ - 8min
Alfonso Ariza, Eduardo Casilari and Alicia Triviño
An IEEE 802.11g simulation model with extended debug capabilities - 8min
Sorin Cocorada
Opportunistic Networking in OMNeT++ - 8min
Olafur Helgason and Kristjan V. Jonsson
Realistic Simulation Environments for IP-based Networks - 8min
Thomas Gamer and Michael Scharf
A realisitic VoIP traffic generation and evaluation tool for OMNeT++ - 8min
Mathias Bohge and Martin Renwanz
OMNeT++ Models for Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks - 8min
Doru Todinca, Dan Pescaru and Mihaela Vitalariu
FACTS - An OMNeT++ Based Simulator for Aeronautical Communications - 8min
Felix Hoffmann, Christian Bauer, Daniel Medina and Serkan Ayaz