
6th International Workshop to be held in conjunction with Simutools 2013

Cannes, French Riviera - March 5th, 2013


Name Affiliation
Alfonso Ariza Universidad de M�laga, Spain
Rena Bakhshi VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ingmar Baumgart Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany
Torsten Braun University of Bern, Switzerland
Bogdan Ciubotaru Dublin City University, Ireland
Olivier Dalle INRIA, France
Stephen Farrell Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Anir�ddhā Gokhāl� Vanderbilt University, USA
Patrick Haeflinger Alcatel-Lucent, France
Olafur Helgason KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Gabor Horvath Technical University of Budapest, Hungary
Konstantinos Katsaros Telecom ParisTech, France
G�bor Lencse Sz�chenyi Istv�n University, Hungary
Juan Carlos Maureira University of Chile, Chile
Bratislav Milic HU Berlin, Germany
Alfons Mittermaier highstreet technologies GmbH, Germany
Navid Nikaein Institut Eurecom, France
Dimosthenis Pediaditakis Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Congduc Pham University of Pau, France
Damien Piguet CSEM, Switzerland
Philipp Reinecke HP Labs Bristol, United Kingdom
German Rodriguez IBM Zurich Research Labs, Switzerland
Stefan R�hrup FTW, Austria
Ahmet Şekercioğlu Monash University, Australia
Till Steinbach HAW Hamburg, Germany
Sebastian Subik TU Dortmund University, Germany
Doru Todinca University of Timisoara, Romania
Yuri Tselishchev NICTA, Australia
Otto Visser Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Klaus Wehrle RWTH Aachen, Germany
Lars Wischhof Audi Electronics Venture, Germany

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