
3nd International Workshop to be held in conjunction with Simutools 2010

Malaga, Spain

Deadline for Submitting Camera-Ready Version: 23:59:59 EST 1 Feb 2010

Instructions for Camera-ready paper preparation and submission

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the following LaTeX or Word templates:

  • LaTeX: sig-alternate.tex, sig-alternate.cls, sig-alternate.bib

All papers must strictly comply with ACM Conference Proceedings format, Option 2 (tighter 'Alternate' style). The LaTeX and Word templates provided above adhere to the style and already contain the required permission block, conference location, and ISBN.Please be sure to use the correct Category and Subject Descriptor in your paper. Failure to meet the formatting guidelines could result in your paper not being included in the proceedings.

Copyright Information (Update 25/01/2010)

Please fill in the document/conference identification with the following values:

   OMNeT++ 2010, March 15�19, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain. 
   Copyright 2010 ICST, ISBN 78-963-9799-87-5.

Types & Length

The OMNeT++ workshop defines two types of papers as following:

  • Full papers: 8 pages.
  • Short papers: 4 pages.


Papers are required to use 9-point Times-Roman font. Please make sure that all fonts and subset fonts are embedded using one of the following approaches:

  • If using Adobe Reader, from the menu select File->Properties... and then select the Fonts tab. You should see "(Embedded Subset)" next to each font and there should be no Type 3 fonts.
  • From a *nix terminal, execute the "pdffonts" command on your PDF document. The listing should show no Type 3 fonts, and all fonts listed should have "yes" under "emb" and "sub".
  • If you are unable to create a PDF with all fonts embedded, please contact the publications chair directly ([email protected]).


Each paper should contain an abstract of 100 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the document.

Page Numbers

Do not put page numbers on your document. Page numbers will be added to the papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.


References should be numbered in alphabetical order by lead author last name. Within the text, citations to references should appear as the appropriate reference number in square brackets (see the template above for examples). The end of the document must include a list of appropriate references; please avoid unnecessary abbreviations in citations.


Figures must appear within the designated margins, but may span two columns. If possible, position figures at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Each figure must be numbered and contain an appropriate caption. Any halftone figures must be clear in black and white. Do not link to any graphics --- the manuscript must be fully self-contained.

Note about Word: Graphics should be inserted, rather than cutting and pasting. The manuscript's graphics should have resolutions of 600dpi for monochrome, 300 dpi for grayscale, and 300 dpi for color. We suggest that you use a text box to insert a graphic (which is ideally a 300 dpi TIFF or EPS file, with all fonts embedded) because, in a Word document, this method is somewhat more stable than directly inserting a picture. To have non-visible rules on your frame, use the MS Word "Format" pull-down menu, select Text Box > Colors and Lines to choose No Fill and No Line.

Uploading Camera-Ready Papers

Prior to uploading, please ensure that your paper meets all of the necessary criteria (outlined above):

  1. meets the page-limit requirements based on type of paper;
  2. conforms to ACM Conference Proceedings Option 2 (e.g., single-spaced, two-column, 9-point Times-Roman font);
  3. contains no page numbers;
  4. that all fonts in your camera-ready PDF are embedded.

Camera-Ready papers have to be uploaded into the ICST Assyst online submission system. Authors of accepted papers will receive an invitation to upload their Camera Ready paper in the ICST Assyst system as soon as the system is ready. This invitation message, shown below, is different from the notification-of-acceptance message:

  Dear Author,

  Please log in to ASSYST system, set your profile and upload your camera-ready paper for SIMUTools 2010 event.

  Username: [email protected]
  Password: xxxxxx

  Best regards,
  ICST Administrator

NOTE: The online submission system requires that the author uploading the camera-ready version be registered prior to uploading. This process will occur in two steps:

  1. Upon login, the submission system will steer the submitting author directly to the online registration page. This author must complete registration.
    IMPORTANT: The registration form requests authors to give the title and ID of their paper.
  2. IMPORTANT: When you log in and register for the conference, you MUST use the SAME E-MAIL ADDRESS at which you received the acceptance notification.

We strongly recommend that authors submit a zip file containing both of the following:

  • the Word or LaTeX source file(s) of the paper, including any necessary style files, bibliography files, etc.
  • the camera-ready PDF version.

The Assyst System allows authors to submit files in .doc, .pdf, and .zip. formats.

A PDF creator for Windows can be downloaded here.

Site search:

Latest News

March, 19nd.
Slides Availables see Technical Program for download.

February, 2nd.
Register through the SIMUTools 2010 web site (early registration deadline: Feb 15)

January, 26th.
List of accepted papers published More details click here

January, 21th.
Camera Ready Instruction available for Authors More details click here

January, 9th.
Rebuttal process opened More details click here

November, 13th.
CFP deadline extended to December 1 More details click here

October, 1st.
Important Dates More details click here

September, 27th.
Call for Papers Released. More details click here



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(approval pending)